When you run into a plant like this luscious Cercis occidentalis (Western Redbud) as it's tiny sweet pea-like flowers mature and the crisp kidney-shaped leaves emerge, perfection is the result. It's my harbinger of spring in a climate where one season just sort of slides into the next.

This lovely California native is just emerging from winter dormancy in Santa Barbara this month. Look for them behind the entry kiosk at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. There are even a few on the right side of the northbound 101 freeway, just before the Bath Street off-ramp. But I think the Highway Patrol would prefer you not pull over to appreciate their delicate beauty.
Nuff said - soak it up.
Every time I see a Cercis, I think of Annie in Austin ... her garden is Circus-Cercis.
I love the colour of the flower. This is a beautiful harbinger of spring.
I think our redbuds will be along in a few weeks...spring is coming!
GWG, nice to see spring emerging down your way, up here in the Sacrmento area we are seeing it pop all over, my Japanese Maples leaves are starting to emerge. Makes you smile....
Sean @ Bamboo Geek
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