11:30 is way too late to be starting my Green Thumb Sunday blog contribution, but I just finished watching 'Fractured' on a DVD and I felt compelled to throw something out there. So I'll keep this short and sweet.
I took this shot last week at a design client's garden. Ophiopogon japonicum (Mondo Grass) growing next Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' shot with a macro lens.
This intentional juxtaposition of ground covers is intended to play light against dark, round against linear, bright against dull. It doesn't need flowers - it's just one of those simple treats.
It does do absolutely everything you have described.
I have gold "Creeping Jenny" .. and would love to see it as a foil against Black Mondo Grass !
They look great together :)
Lamb is not eatable - too hard for that :)
These greens look great together (at the moment, any greens outdoors look amazing to me - since there are so few here.)
I like the way you pay attention to foliage and not just flowers.
Interesting combination. I like it. I play around with textures and shapes in my garden, even doing things that go against traditional landscape design principles, and more often that not, I like the results.
Contrasts and variety are the spice of life and gardens. I think you found the perfect foil for the moneywort.
That's a great combi Billy, I particularly like the fresh spring green colour of the Lysimachia.
I like your combo.
I like your combo.
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