The mystery has been solved. A kind soul (Bob Neary, judging from his e-mail address) sent me the link to a Wall Street Journal column that ran on March 31, 2008. The feature is called Blog Watch and is written by Beckey Bright. I was mystified after opening a few e-mails congratulating me on the feature, but was clueless until I did a little digging around, went to my local public library, and made a copy of the article. Along with two other bloggers (Balcony-Gardener.blogspot.com, by Sue Swift, writing from Milan, Italy; and TheHerbGardener.blogspot.com, written by Sara Elliot), Ms. Bright wrote a delightful synopsis of what I've been doing on this blog for the past year or so.
So I'm copying and pasting the text in below so I can share my latest 15-min. of Andy Warhol fame. Enjoy the read...
Billy Goodnick writes this informative and thought-provoking blog on sustainable gardening and other topics, such as using the way humans perceive color and contrast to make a garden more pleasing to the eye.
"The professor in me is always looking for 'teachable moments,' " writes Mr. Goodnick, who is based in Santa Barbara, Calif. And this blog does provide its share of instructional posts. He urges his readers, for example, to remember the mantra, "right plant, right place," which means you should try to find the best place for a plant to thrive with as little life support and coercion as possible.
Mr. Goodnick finds bliss in the perfect juxtaposition of different types of foliage. He writes: "No disrespect intended, but keep your pink and lavender and yellow and mauve Martha Stewart flower beds....Gimme plants used as sculpture, as unresolved conflict, as an expression of the vast varieties of form and texture and foliage color."
WSJ web-link
Congratulations! How cool to have your so deserved 15 minutes...although I think it may end up lasting longer!
Hi Billy,
Now this is cool. I'm glad you included the portions of the text here. I like the line about you finding 'bliss in the perfect juxtaposition of different types of foliage.'
I'd like to hear some of your new tunes ... rock on!
Billy, vacation is over and surprises are coming :) Congratulations! WSJ - the dream of so many... I am not surprised - your blog is very interesting, so it got noticed :)
congrats again Mr Goodnick and hope to read from you soon :)
That is really exciting! You never know who is reading this stuff!
Huge congrats Billy. You should be ecstatic with such a great link to your blog. Thanks for pointing us here and I hope this is just the start of even more attention for you and your great blog.
Congratulations. Believe every word. Keep up the great posts Billy!
Hi Billy,
Congratulations on the recognition for your great blog. By the way, I just found your other website, I really like your Osito garden with the combination of colours and textures that complement the house so well.
Hi Billy,
WSJ operates in mysterious ways. One would think they would let you know they were writing something about you, but they just do it without a word. In the mid-90s, they did the same thing to me regarding a benefit program that I had developed for my employer. They even had quotes--but I was never interviewed. They just used stuff from a talk I gave at a benefits seminar, and made it into an article.
Congrats on your recognition. You do have a great blog.
As one senior parent to another, congratulations on your honor. To be mentioned in such grand fashion in a national paper is worth celebrating!
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