It's mine, too! Optoger therteemph! I gave myself a cake (courtesy of Wayne Thiebaud - one of my favorite contemporary painters).
Tonight I celebrate by teaching my Adult Education class - think I'll bring cupcakes for everyone.
[Late breaking news - Anna just wrote to say I have the same birthday as fiction children's book character Paddington Bear, so I did a little research...]
I’m also in the company of:
- Chris Carter (X-files)
- Sammy Hagar (can’t stand his music)
- Marie Osmond (can’t stand her music)
- Paul Simon (some huge hits; other stuff I’ll pass on)
- Lenny Bruce (NOW I’m in some gooood company)
- Margaret Thatcher (great – Ronnie Reagan’s best pal!)
- Yves Montand (need to rent some of his movies again)
- Sasha Baron Cohen (of Borat fame)
Happy birthday. It's my daughter's birthday as well. (Also, my ex-boyfriend's, but we won't dwell on that ;-) )
Many happy returns!
Gosh--it's Paddington Bear's 50th. So you are in good company!
Happy Birthday!
Anna - gee, I wonder if I'm actually a fictional children's character. I'll have to check out the kids' book section at my library just to make sure. Thanks for the extra info. I'm in good company.
Happy Birthday to you Billy! Hope you had some good cake. That's my measure of a good birthday.(You also share the same birthday as my son, BenoƮt, who turned sixteen today.)
Hi - thanks for the note ..Yes trying to follow mel barthalomews square foot gardening method..The patch of land i have to use is on the slant of a hill and on solid clay, almost rock ....
Everything seems to be growing well bar the pole beans some of which are now dead...no idea why - planted too early I think..
happy birthday :O) 2 days after me :O)
I'm in wellington new zealand by the way :O) spring here :O)
Hey Billy, Happy Birthweek, hope it's a good one...
Happy approximate birthday. I like the research w/ comments bit, too.
Happy, happy birthday!
Happy, happy birthday!!
a belated Happy birthday...
Mine was the 15th. I'm just the age that I kinda stopped caring.
Happy Birthday (again) to my blogging friend! Sounds like a nice day.
Happy belated birthday!
belated birthday greetings from Barbados. It is also my daughters birthday as well. Very interesting blog an am almost afraid to let you visit my garden LOL. I don't grow junipers so I think am safe !!!
Happy Birthday I also share this date with you
It's time you stopped celebrating and give us something else good to read. I need some humor.
I killed another blog last week. Yep, it froze right up on me. I nearly wore out the enter button. You don't know my whole story but through my zeal to create a blog to fit my future needs--I zoomed through 6 blogs. The first two were victims to a home invasion. The sheriff thought my blog led the fools to my house. It wasn't the case but I lost two good blogs in the turmoil.
So as of right now with blog no.6 still warm in the grave, I'm looking to you for a good read. Oh well...guess I'll pop over to Shirley's Eden. She's prettier anyway. Tootaloo.
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