Thursday, July 8, 2010

Who's Afraid Of A Little Orange?

It happens a lot. When I get to the place in the interview where I ask new design clients about their favorite colors, I help out by first explaining the difference between cool and warm colors, just to get a read on their preferences. Donning my professor's ascot and corduroy sport coat (with leather elbow patches), it unfolds something like this…

"Green, blue and violet are cool colors: They soothe and bring calm to the garden. In color theory terms, cool hues "recede", blending into the background and making no demands on our attention."

I pause, receiving a nod of comprehension from the client, then reload and start the second volley…

"On the other side of the color wheel are the warm colors: red, yellow and orange. They tend to be more vivid and add excitement to…"

I realize that she didn't hear a word after I mentioned The Color That Shall Not Be Spoken.

"No orange," she snaps, visibly shaken, but mustering a semblance of outward calm.

You'd think I'd said, "And over in that corner we'll put the zombie coop and feed them children and puppies from the neighborhood."

"No orange…please!"

I've got plenty more to say...


GardenGoddess said...

I LOVE orange in the garden. Here in the northern plains we have a few options: asclepias, trolius, lilies, poppies, and tulips.

I get the same response from people when I mention the color orange. What do you think freaks people out about it?

Laguna Dirt said...

orange is the best. especially orange-red, like a chinese red. there's a reason some of the best public sculpture are that color--it's bold, warm and stunning! same in gardens.

Kitchen Benchtops said...

Looks gorgeous! I wish I had more flowers in my garden like this.